Welcome to Gamespeed, performance training
for serious athletes. I want to help YOU become a BETTER YOU!
No two sports are exactly alike, but all share commonalities within movement patterns. Regardless
of the sport; sprinting, jumping, throwing and change of direction are fundamentally very similar.
Essentially, they are primal functions of human movement.
I do not coach or instruct the sport itself; I recognize this is the job of the expert coaching staff.
My job is to implement a training program that will improve structural movements, motor learning
and grafting. The result of these training programs will transfer to excelled sport performance on
the field. The athletes will move with more efficiency due to increased motor control, stability,
mobility, and power. Last, by eliminating movement deficiencies, risk of injury will be greatly reduced.
- sport specific speed acquisition
– general to specific plyometric applications
– static to dynamic migrational movement
– motor function recovery
– active recovery
– neurological tracking massage
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